Receiving Those Whom Christ Has Received

Chapters 14 and 15 of Romans are of vital importance for the life of the church in these end times. The church, in its history of nearly twenty centuries, has gone through all the doctrinal points of this epistle, and the final chapters should be the experience of the present and the immediate future.

What does this imply? Chapters 14 and 15 speak of the members of the body receiving one another, whatever difference they may have concerning secondary doctrines, such as concerning meals and days. As regards meals, one who is strong in the faith thinks that one may eat everything; another, who is weak, that one should eat only vegetables; and as regards days, some celebrate one day, and others celebrate another day.

In view of this, the apostle says: "Do not despise one another; do not judge one another, for God has received you". Notice that the basis of unity is a divine fact: God has received us all. The point is to receive all those whom God has received in Christ. We can set many conditions, and leave aside those who do not think or do as we do; however, the point is that God himself does not demand more, so we cannot demand more either.

The natural human tendency is to expect everyone to believe and do as we do. However, God's heart is more generous than ours, and there is room for a wide variety of Christians. The body of Christ has members of diverse colors, languages, social strata, cultures, and ways of thinking. We have to enlarge our little heart, so that it may be like His.

In Romans 14 and 15 special emphasis is placed on this principle. Those who require arguments to obey God's commands will find much there to consider; but those who are willing only to obey the Word will be glad to receive all whom God has received, without any other condition.

How will the church express the unity of faith, of the Spirit and of the body on earth? Only if it is able to live in practice these two chapters of Romans. As time progresses, and the signs of Christ's second coming are fulfilled, this part of Scripture will become more and more real, so that, when the Lord returns, He will find His prayer of John 17 answered on earth.

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