

Thank God for the overabundant grace shed on his servants and with which we are more than blessed all of us who are fortunate to have it within our reach. May the Lord greatly reward your faithfulness and dedication, may he continue to bear fruit through your ministries and continue to grow His church until we all reach the stature of Christ. To God be the glory, now and forever.

Pedro Luis Orrillo (Peru).

Refreshing word

At many times, this magazine has been a channel for the Lord to refresh me with his Word, so necessary in these times. May the Lord continue to use you as his instruments to carry the message of Christ to his children throughout the world. May His beloved Church be awakened and raised pure and spotless for His imminent Coming.

Roxana Basso.

In Texas and Mexico

The localities of Monterrey, Cacahuatán, Tapachula, Coatzacoalcos, Reynosa, Elsa, Mission, Pharr, and other brothers have a specific meeting day where we read Aguas Vivas. For us it has been very practical this kind of meeting for each of us to read the magazine and share its message. We are sharing some messages from the magazine on the radio, to several cities. It is a way for Christian listeners to be pastored and edified with the truth, which is Jesus Christ. Thanks for your help.

David Calvo, Rodolfo Calvo, Carlos Ilizaliturry (Mexico).


I wish to congratulate you on your website. Personally, I consult it daily to read the reflections, which have been a blessing for my life in Christ. It’s a pleasure to once again express my thankfulness.

Jesus Lopez (Mexico).

All blessings come from God; therefore, all the glory is for God.

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