Living Waters Magazine Nr. 47
September - October 2007

A plurality of voices and accents

God's work throughout history brings together different characters in different social and cultural contexts. It is possible to trace a line throughout the ages, that unites all these various elements to weave a coherent and beautiful tapestry as only God can.

The center of this work is the Lord Jesus Christ and the executor is the Holy Spirit. The purpose is "to gather all things into Christ in the dispensation of the fullness of time". God works by breaking down man’s ‘self’, so that He can express through him His thought and desire.

God's call for His church is still to place Christ at the top of its priorities; recognizing the signs of our time so that we can assist in the building of His house; and "keeping the unity" of the church, as it is so threatened from within.

Without a doubt, God speaks today. His voice sounds clearly in the midst of a plurality of voices and accents scattered throughout the world. May the Lord grant us that we may hear Him through these vessels as they contain and express Him.



Redeeming the time
Reviewing the priorities of our life to make the most of the time.
Billy Pinheiro - Brazil

The restoration of the gates
The restoration of the wall and the gates of Jerusalem as "a picture of the church being restored".
Hernando Chamorro - Colombia

Rebuilding of the tabernacle of David
The rebuilding of the tabernacle of David as a type of the restoration of the church, with its varied ministries.
Marcelo Diaz

How do I bring the ark of God to my house?
Bringing the ark to the house is to bring Christ himself.
Ruben Chacon

The battle is the Lord's
It is our first-hand knowledge and intimate experience with the Lord that enable us to face the enemy on the battle field.
Oliver Peng


The names of Christ
Harry Foster


Tasters from the King's table
Our reader's letters

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