Living Waters Magazine Nr. 33
January - February 2005

The Vision of the On-High

When the Lord spoke with Nicodemus he said that it is necessary that he be born again, otherwise he would not be able to see the Kingdom of God. The expression "again" can also be translated as "from on high". It is very clear from this that new birth is a heavenly birth.

A similar thing can be said of vision. If we do not have a new vision, a vision of the on-high, we will not be able to know the things that relate to the kingdom, the things of the spirit.

What does God want? What is God doing? What does God propose with everything that he has planned and does? If we only have an earthly vision we will not be able to answer these questions with surety. Our eyes must be opened to see in a new way; our understanding must be enlightened so that we may think God's thoughts; our heart must be changed so that we can feel God's feelings.

The central messages of this edition of Living Waters deals with this important matter. They were given at a retreat in January, 2005, in Rucacura, Chile. They have been transcribed and summarized, and are now offered to the whole of Christ's Body, with the hope that they help the people of God to renew the heavenly vision.

May the Lord show us his grace so that this may come to pass.



The Vision that Tears Down and Raises Up
Isaiah's vision as seen from the New Testament.
Pedro Alarcón
Paul's Vision
Three aspects of Paul's vision on the way to Damascus.
Cristian Cerda
Bringing the Vision Down to Earth
Paul's vision on the road to Damascus has an earthly aspect associated with the local church.
Gonzalo Sepúlveda
When the Vision Is Lost
The vision of the apostle John in days of decline.
Rodrigo Abarca
Christ's Priesthood
A double aspect of Christ's priesthood.
César Albino


The Need for Spiritual Vision
The greatest need of this time is that of spiritual vision.
T. Austin-Sparks


The Goings of God
Studies on Exodus.
J. Alec Motyer
What Is His Name?
The Son of David.
Harry Foster


Tasters from the King's Table
Letters from our Readers

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