Living Waters Magazine Nr. 23
September - October 2003

Maturity and unity

The church today, has at least two great problems, of which two great necessities are derived. Lance Lambert identifies one of these when saying: "The tragedy of the church today is that there are many babies and children, but few mature sons." The necessity of maturity arises here. The second is identified by Christian Chen when comparing the church at the present time with the situation of the Jews after the fall of Jerusalem: their dispersion.

Here is the summary: A church made up of immature and divided children. The church is divided into a multitude of unconnected fragments. A sad panorama? Yes, evidently; but not a hopeless one because although this is its current state, it won't be its end; "God shall help her at the dawn of the morning." And that morning is arriving.

The solution is clearly enunciated in the Word: "But speaking truth in love, we may grow up in all things into him, who is the head, even Christ." (Eph. 4:15). Here maturity (growth), and unity, are implicit because the body has a single head. When the whole body comes under the same Head, it grows in unity. So essentially, the answer to all our necessity -be it growth or unity- is Christ.

We don't doubt that the Lord will achieve His final purpose: to have a mature and united church; a glorious church, without stain and without blemish. Today, He is washing is and making the church beautiful. He is gathering it together. We are filled with hope when contemplating the work that God is carrying out today.

May the Lord use the messages in this magazine to contribute, albeit minimally, to that wonderful purpose.



The Final Phase of God’s Work (3)
The Lord’s prophecies concerning Israel have a direct relationship with the future of the Church.
Christian Chen


Divine Sonship
The purpose of God is that we finally reach the position of mature sons.
Rodrigo Abarca
Growing from Children to Sons
Four factors that influence the growth of children to mature children.
Lance Lambert
As the Dawning Light
The Christian walk has stages that give account of an uninterrupted progression.
Gonzalo Sepúlveda
Revelation and Fellowship
The revelation of Jesus Christ and our fellowship with him allow us to walk in a victorious way.
Rubén Chacón
Four Divine Objectives
Four great objectives and four lines of action for the children of God.
Cristian Romo


The Tragedy of the Unfinished Task
A concluding message given by Mr. Sparks at the Aeschi Conference, 1969.
T. Austin-Sparks


Where Are You?
The husband's responsibility toward Christ and toward his wife.
Marcelo Díaz


Tasters from the King's Table
Letters from our Readers

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